As soon as you know you are pregnant, we recommend you make an appointment to see your GP or a midwife and book into the hospital or Birth Centre you intend to give birth at. We recommend that you make your first GP appointment as early as possible and ideally book into the hospital from when you are 14 weeks pregnant. In Northern NSW we have many Choices for your Pregnancy Care including: Midwifery Group Practice, Obstetric clinics and Shared care between your GP and the hospital.
- Before the birth of your baby
- check if you can get payments
- thinking of having a baby
- iodine supplementation
- Early Pregnancy Assessment Service (EPAS) is for women less than 20 weeks pregnant with threatened or actual early pregnancy loss or a pregnancy of unknown location.
Five hospitals provide maternity care in Northern NSW, these include hospitals and birth centres:
- Your pregnancy and birth choices
Deciding on who will care for you during pregnancy and where you want to give birth is an important decision you will need to make. Here you will find some information on what options are available to you.
- Factsheets and resources
- Having a Baby book
- Sleep on your side while baby’s inside
- Your baby’s movements and what they mean
- Preventing blood clots in pregnancy and after birth
- Information for Rh (D) negative women – You and Your Baby: prevention of haemolytic disease of the newborn.
- Pelvic floor - Continence Foundation of Australia
- MotherSafe is a free telephone service for women in NSW concerned about medication exposure during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- Diabetes Services for pregnant women and new mothers
- Group B Streptococcus (GBS) in pregnancy Reducing the chance of infection in newborns.
- Nausea and Vomiting in Pregnancy and Hyperemesis Gravidarum
- Why your weight matters
- Perineal tears. What you need to know during pregnancy
- Third and fourth degree perineal tears video
- Vaccinations during pregnancy and for your baby
- pregnancy – protection and vaccination from preconception to birth
- pregnant women – protect your newborn from whooping cough
- Save the Date to Vaccinate – immunisation app
- neonatal Hepatitis B Vaccination
- get the facts – Immunisation saves lives
- NSW Health Immunisation Schedule
- child care and immunisation
- Abrysvo - Patient brochure for pregnant women
- Abrysvo - Information for pregnant women
- Nirsevimab - Information for parents and carers
- Pregnancy Vaccinations
- NSW RSV prevention program - information for parents and carers site
- Tests during your pregnancy
- Decreasing the risk of stillbirth
Timing of birth – Every Week Counts your baby’s movements matter
- flyer movements matter
- foetal movements video
- you baby’s growth matters
- Sleeping on your side when baby is inside
- Quitting smoking to reduce the risk of stillbirth
- Smoking Cessation - Clinical Excellence Commission
- Get healthy in pregnancy
Get Healthy in Pregnancy is a free NSW Government service for all pregnant women in NSW. Our health coaches are university qualified and offer support and tools to help you stay healthy during your journey from pregnancy, to birth and beyond.
- Information on drinking alcohol during pregnancy and support services available to you
- Smoking in pregnancy support