Welcome to our Women’s Care Unit. Our team includes midwives, nurses, obstetricians, paediatricians.
We provide care to women and their families in the Grafton and surrounding areas.
We work with GPs, social workers, physiotherapists, Aboriginal Maternal and Infant Health Service (AMIHS) teams and child and family health nurses.
We are a Level 4 service which means we can care for most women and their unborn babies during pregnancy and after birth.
At times, we care for women with gynaecological health problems or surgery.
If you ever have any concerns about yourself or your baby, please call us anytime. We are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
Visiting hours: 1pm - 6pm
Please check for any visiting restrictions in place now.
More information

For more information on pregnancy, birth and postnatal support and options visit our Pregnancy, Birth and Newborn Services page.
You can provide feedback on your experience here.
- How to find us
The pregnancy care clinic (antenatal), birthing unit and women’s care unit are all located within the maternity unit at Grafton Base hospital.
The maternity unit building is on the far right as you face the main hospital entry.
Walk down the path to the right of the main hospital and you will find a ramp on your left.
At the top of the ramp a secure intercom will assist you accessing the main entry.
Once inside a second intercom is on your right to access the maternity unit.
- Pregnancy care options and models of care available at Grafton Base Hospital
- Aboriginal Maternal and Infant Health Service Midwives (AMIHS)
- First 2000 Days midwife
- midwives’ clinic
- obstetric specialist clinic for women with complex care
- Shared Care with Midwives and General Practitioner
Your options for pregnancy care will depend on a few things. These include where you live, your nearest hospital, and your health care needs.
Find out more about choices for your pregnancy and birth.
- Special Care Nursery
We are at Level 3 Neonatal Service. This means we can look after most babies born after 34 weeks of pregnancy and some babies born earlier than 34 weeks with support from our linked hospitals.
Our care team includes midwives, staff specialists, paediatricians, and GP’s. We can access extra support from the greater team of social workers, speech therapists and physiotherapists.
A small number of babies may need extra care that we cannot provide in Grafton. We may move your baby (and you) to another hospital with intensive care specialists. Before moving your baby, we will always talk with you and give you as much time and information as possible.
Our closest hospitals with specialist services are in the Gold Coast and Brisbane. When your baby is well enough, we will plan to bring your baby back to Grafton to be close to home.
We encourage you to ask questions about your individual situation. Take time to consider our recommendations.
Find out more information about newborn special care.
- If you need more specialised care
We want to make sure you and your baby receive the right care in the right place at the right time.
A small number of women and babies will need extra care. If our hospital cannot provide that extra care, we will talk with you about your options. We have pathways in place to get you or your baby the right care. We understand it is important for mothers and babies to stay together and have care as close to home as possible. We know it can be difficult for your family if you need to move to a hospital further from home.
If you need to travel to a hospital for extra care, we have social workers and Aboriginal liaison officers that can help your family with organising transport, accommodation, and financial help.
If you need to travel to a hospital for extra care, we have staff that can help your family. Social workers and Aboriginal liaison officers can help with transport, accommodation, and financial help.
We encourage you to ask questions about your situation and take time to think about our recommendations.
- Care following your birth
Midwifery in the Home (MITH) service is available to most women who birth with us. This program provides in home care for women and their newborns.
Find out more information on the MITH service.
We work alongside child and family health nurses who will continue to support you with your newborn. These services are available through our Community Health centres.
Early parenting support is available through Tresillian.
- Pregnancy and parenting classes
We offer pregnancy and parenting classes to support families. Classes include information on getting ready for labour, birth, breastfeeding and the first few weeks after birth.
Find out more information and or see how to book a class.